Time Management Training

Time management is a critical factor for business and personal success. Without managing the scarce commodity of time, companies will reduce efficiency and effectiveness, and miss market and profitability opportunities. Employees will not contribute to their maximum abilities, lack fulfillment, and struggle with critical work-life balance issues. And, from a simplistic point of view, it will take more workers to accomplish the same amount of work, decreasing profitability and shareholder value.

For individuals, effective time management strategies and skills may mean the difference between a stressed-out, overwhelmed, unproductive, and ineffective professional life and a fulfilling, engaged, under-control, creative, and opportunistic professional career. Effective time management may also mean spending more quality time with family and friends, pursuing individual passions and hobbies, staying healthy and active, and living the kind of life that all of us desire.

Michigan Technology Services, a Farmington Hills, MI based technology consulting firm, has partnered with Michigan’s premier time management specialist to bring you the best in time management training.

The time management seminar will provide sophisticated time management strategies to your company’s employees and managers, making sure they get the most out of every day and increasing the bottom line of your firm. It will also make your staff happier, more content professionally, more creative, and will allow them to consistently contribute to the goals and mission of your firm on a more regular basis.

Specialized programs can be developed and customized for companies that have both PDA and non-PDA users, and/or special company or industry circumstances.

Time management training covers the following topics/areas:

  • A basic understanding of the key principles of time management
  • Setting up a system for proactive management of your work day and work week
  • Fully integrating your Personal Calendar, Planner or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) into your time management system, and get the most usability and functionality out of these tools. This includes:
    • Setting up your task (To Do) list for prioritized project/client action
    • Strategically managing your calendar to increase personal and professional effectiveness
    • Using creative methods to make interpersonal communications more efficient and effective
    • Integrating your Planner or PDA into your broader office/personal organization system
  • Handling information overload – emails, voice mail, “snail” mail, and those piles of reading materials
  • Effectively managing multiple complex projects at the same time and keeping the most important tasks for each project moving forward
  • Setting up your personal office/cubicle space so that it contributes to your time management system, rather than detracting from it
  • How to set up “reminder” systems that prompt you to take appropriate actions at the right times
  • Strategies for getting the most out of “down time”
  • Setting up your time management system so that it contributes to your personal life just as much as it contributes to your professional life (Work/Life Balance!)
  • Developing daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly rituals to help you stay on top of your system and keep your time management and personal organization skills sharpened
  • Strategies for making meetings more productive, effective, and a good use of everyone’s time
  • Maximizing the effectiveness of committees and team assignments

We offer free initial consultations. Call Michigan Technology Services in Farmington Hills and we will set up a time to meet with you. 248-489-0408.